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If I die of the Coronavirus but my actions help perpetuate liberty for my children,
I have won in the long run, and my losses will end at my death.
However, if my cowardice costs the liberty of others my loss will last for an eternity.

"The Age of the Coronavirus" (video)
"If we are all going to be destroyed by a [virus],
let that [virus] when it comes find us doing sensible and human things
- praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis,
chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts
- not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about [viruses]."
"C. S. Lewis on the Coronavirus"

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Don't let them silence you. Tell them:
Let Us Worship.

CV19 Debunked Linkdump

"All of the damage attributed to COVID-19 was instead caused by the socialism meant to protect us.
COVID-19 is a pandemic of socialism."
2020 August 24

"The evidence does not support broad mask mandates.
Yet, now we free-thinkers and free-breathers face jail time and witch hunts for dissenting.
It's all about politics, power, and control.
'Selfish bastards' who promote superstitious costumery as science threaten us all."
Mask Mandates Are a Public Health Menace
by Michelle Malkin
2020 July 15

Dr Kelly Victory (video)
The truth about COVID-19 Coronavirus

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Epidemic Mask Theater
2020 July 19

"It would be easy, given our modern conceit in appraising the inhabitants of the past as ignorant bumpkins,
to mock these practices as peculiar and ridiculous, knowing as we do how useless they were.
But the plague doctors could be forgiven for all this ritualistic pageantry,
and the false sense of security it provided, if only because they lived long before modern germ theory was even a thought."

"The symbolic and useless mask-pageantry in which we Americans are now engaging, on the other hand, is less forgivable."

Colorado State Mask Mandate
2020 July 20

Colorado Springs City Council Power Overreach
2020 July 14

"Caregivers in a high-intensity environment should have all the fitted N95s they need.
Beyond that, it's time to recognize that the only person who should be wearing a mask is the Lone Ranger."
What good do the masks do, really?
2020 June 26

"One should not attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a mask, as these studies suggest that is the wise choice to make."
Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
2020 May 11